Attorney with hands-on experience in the practice of law, both massively and advisory/preventive. Currently working more specifically in the area of consumer law, with massive telephone litigation, providing full legal assistance to large companies, with a large volume of lawsuits, helping them from the receipt/judgment of the lawsuit until its final outcome, including with the Superior Courts, when necessary. I also have experience in corporate, real estate, administrative, and banking law.
Lawyer with more than 11 years of practical experience in advocacy before the national Courts of Justice, having Lato Sensu specialization by the Escola da Magistratura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ), graduated by the Centro Universitário de Barra Mansa (UBM-RJ), and technical course in Informatics by the Escola Técnica Pandiá Calógeras (ETPC-RJ). Currently working more specifically in the area of consumer law, with massive telephony litigation, providing full legal assistance to large companies, with a large volume of lawsuits, from the receipt/judgment of the lawsuit until its final outcome, including with the Superior Courts, when necessary. I also have experience in corporate, real estate, administrative, and banking law.