Lawyer, partner of Hasson Advogados, with solid professional experience built along more than 15 years of career, with broad experience in preventive, consulting and litigious law practice, with emphasis on labor law, before clients from various economic segments, such as: civil construction, chemical industry, large machinery manufacturing, metallurgy and startups.
Adjunct Professor of Labor Law, Labor Procedure and Labor Practice at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, since 2012. Guest professor at the Escola Superior de Advocacia – ESA/PR and at the post-graduation course in Labor Relations at PUC/PR.
He participates, as a speaker, in round tables, seminars, and congresses in his area of expertise – Labor Relations – especially at the OAB/PR and UTP/PR.
Loves movies, music, and loves to travel, to get to know new places and cultures!
- Extension Course in ER22.1x: JUSTICE at HarvardX University, USA.
- Master’s Degree in Law, from Faculdades Integradas do Brasil.
- Specialization in Critical Theory of Human Rights, Universidad Pablo de Olavid -UPO, Spain.
- Post-graduate degree in Labor Law and Labor Procedure from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná.
- Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná.
Awards and recognition
- He received an Honorable Mention from the Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná, on August 11, 2015, on the lawyer’s day, for his performance in the Paraná legal scenario.
- She has been honored several times by the students of the University Tuiuti do Paraná.
- Author of the book “A proteção jurídica da diversidade sexual em face da discriminação no trabalho”. Curitiba: Memory Institute, 2017, v.1. 200p.
- Author of several legal articles and book chapters published, with emphasis on labor law and human rights protection – see lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0828020379126161